Bright Data

Bright Data

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Bright Data, formerly known as Luminati Networks, is a leading web data platform and proxy service provider. It offers a comprehensive set of tools and services for businesses to collect public web data efficiently and ethically. 
Bright Data's offerings include various types of proxies (residential, datacenter, ISP, mobile), as well as web scraping tools, data collectors, and ready-to-use datasets.

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sparsh garg, Leads Rock, Phree Site have upvoted Bright Data.

Website Traffic

Last Month's Visits
588.1K -103.6K
Last 3 Month's Visits



Bright Data Products

IP Type

Residential Proxy

  • 72M+ rotating & sticky IPs;
  • 195+ locations with country, city, carrier, & ASN targeting;
  • <0.6s response time;
  • HTTP(s) and SOCKS5 support;
  • The most advanced and largest rotating real-peer IP network in the industry.
Plan Monthly Price Traffic Cost/GB
Pay as you go Varies No commitment $8.4
Micro-package $10 1 GB $5.04
Growth $499 69 GB $7.14
Business $999 158 GB $6.3
Enterprise Custom Custom Custom
69 GB cost $499 See Price
Learn More

ISP Proxy

  • 700,000+ Sticky IPs assigned by Internet Service Providers;
  • 35 locations with country and city targeting;
  • Extended session control;
  • Pricing is determined by the IP and GB together;
  • Real static residential IPs without IP rotation.
Plan Monthly Price GB Rate IP Rate
Pay As You Go Varies $15/GB $0.5/IP
Micro-package $10 $9/GB $0.5/IP
Growth $499 $12.75/GB $0.5/IP
Business $999 $11.25/GB $0.5/IP
Enterprise Custom Custom Custom
1 IP costs $10 per GB See Price
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Datacenter Proxy

  • 770,000+ shared and dedicated datacenter proxies IPs;
  • 98 locations with country, state, & city-level targeting;
  • Pricing is determined by the IP and GB together;
  • Quick access to non-complex websites.
Plan Monthly Price GB Rate IP Rate
Pay As You Go Varies $0.11 $0.8
Micro-package $10 $0.066 $0.48
Growth $499 $0.094 $0.68
Business $999 $0.083 $0.6
Enterprise Custom Custom Custom
10 IPs cost $10 with 78 GB See Price
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Mobile Proxy

  • 7 million+ rotating & sticky IPs;
  • 195+ locations;
  • Country, city, carrier & ASN filtering;
  • HTTP(s) and SOCKS5 support.
  • View sites as a real mobile user.
Plan Monthly Price Traffic Cost/GB
Pay as you go Varies No commitment $8.4
Micro-package $10 1 GB $5.04
Growth $499 69 GB $7.14
Business $999 158 GB $6.3
Enterprise Custom Custom Custom
69 GB cost $499 See Price
Learn More


Free Proxy

  • 7-day free trial

Proxy Tool

  • Built-in automated rules features;
  • Full control of user access;
  • Reduce bandwidth;
  • Manage all proxies using one open-source interface.

Web Unlocker

  • 99.9% success rates
  • Browser fingerprinting;
  • JavaScript rendering;
  • Browser fingerprinting;
  • CAPTCHA solving.

Bright Data's Features

 Vast proxy network with millions of IPs worldwide
 Precise targeting by country, city, carrier, and ASN
 Powerful web data harvesting tools (Web Unlocker, Data Collector, SERP API)
 Customizable solutions for diverse industries and use cases
 Adherence to data protection regulations (GDPR, CCPA)

Bright Data Traffic

Visit Over Time

  • Monthly Visits 588.1K
  • Avg.Visit Duration 00:03:40
  • Pages per Visit 4.73
  • Bounce Rate 0.52
December 2023 - April 2024

Geography - Top 5 Regions

  • United States 11.31%
  • India 9.02%
  • Indonesia 5.11%
  • Canada 4.04%
  • United Kingdom 3.87%
April 2024

Traffic Sources

  • Direct 223.9K -47.0K
  • Organic Search 181.4K -31.2K
  • Paid Search 92.5K -16.5K
  • Social 39.2K -4.6K
  • Referrals 18.1K -472
  • Display Ads 11.2K -9.3K
  • Email 7.0K +3.0K
April 2024

Some of the most popular use cases for Bright Data's residential proxies include:

Web scraping and data collection

Collecting public web data at scale for market research, price monitoring, competitor analysis, etc. Residential proxies help avoid IP blocking and CAPTCHAs when scraping large amounts of data.

Ad verification

Residential IPs allow checking ads from various geolocations. Ensuring ads are displayed properly and not on inappropriate or fraudulent sites. 

Accessing geo-restricted content

Viewing and collecting web data as a local user from different countries/cities. Useful for market research, pricing intelligence, content compliance monitoring

SEO and search engine result monitoring

Checking search rankings for target keywords from different locations. Identifying local search competitors and SERP features.

Social media management

Automating social media interactions using bots with unique IP addresses. Creating and managing multiple social media accounts.

Website testing

Testing website functionality and performance from different geolocations. Identifying issues with localized versions of the site and how it loads worldwide.

Sneaker copping and limited edition sales

Improving chances of purchasing limited-release products that sell out quickly. Using multiple IPs to make it appear like different customers.

How to Use Bright Data Proxy

To use Bright Data's residential proxies, follow these steps:

1. Sign Up and Create a Proxy

Sign up for a Bright Data account and navigate to the Proxies section. Click "Add Proxy" to create a new residential proxy. Add a new residential proxy

2. Configure Proxy Settings

Once created, configure your residential proxy settings based on your requirements:

  • Proxy Type: Select "Residential" proxy type.
  • Location: Specify the desired geolocation(s) to target, such as country, city, ASN, etc.
  • IP Type: Choose between shared IPs (cost-efficient) or dedicated IPs (exclusive).
  • Rotation: Set IP rotation frequency to avoid detection.
  • Session Management: Configure session persistence and sticky sessions.

Configure residential proxy

3. Get Proxy Details

After configuration, get the proxy details like gateway IP, port, username, and password to integrate with your applications.

Get proxy details

4. Integrate with Apps/Tools

Integrate the residential proxy with your web scraping tools, browsers, APIs, or code using the provided proxy details. Bright Data offers code examples and guides for various languages.

Integrate with Chrome

5. Use Proxy Manager (Optional)

Optionally, use Bright Data's Proxy Manager to centrally manage all your proxies, set rules, analyze logs, and more from a single interface.Proxy Manager Configuration

6. Monitor Usage

Monitor your residential proxy usage, performance, and adjust settings as needed from the Bright Data dashboard.By following these steps, you can effectively leverage Bright Data's vast residential proxy network for web scraping, data collection, ad verification, and other use cases while benefiting from precise geo-targeting, IP rotation, and session management capabilities.

Alternative Sites for Bright Data

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Smartproxy is a proxy service provider established in 2018 that offers residential, datacenter, mobile, and ISP proxies.
They have a large proxy pool with over 55 million IPs across 195+ locations worldwide. Smartproxy provides solutions for web scraping, data collection, ad verification, brand protection, etc.

ISP Residential Unlocker Tool Free Mobile Datacenter

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SOAX is a fast-growing UK-based company that provides businesses with advanced proxy solutions and web data collection tools. Their focus is on delivering efficient, secure, and ethically sourced data extraction capabilities to empower data-driven decision-making.
Their primary services feature residential, mobile, ISP (with US GEO targeting), and datacenter proxies, alongside a web unblocker tool optimized for web scraping.

Unlocker ISP Residential Mobile Datacenter

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world-class residential proxies: netnut's 85m+ fast ips, no geo-restrictions or ip blocks. access data globally seamlessly. free trial available!
Free ISP Unlocker Datacenter Residential Mobile

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IPRoyal is a premium proxy service provider offering a wide range of proxy solutions including residential, datacenter, ISP, mobile, and sneaker proxies.
They focus on providing high levels of online privacy for unrestricted internet access. IPRoyal's proxies support various use cases such as web scraping, social media management, brand protection, market research, testing, and automation.

List Residential ISP Datacenter Tool Mobile

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Oxylabs is a premium proxy service provider offering a comprehensive range of solutions including residential, datacenter, mobile, and ISP proxies.
They focus on providing reliable, high-performance proxies with advanced features for web scraping, data gathering, brand protection, and other use cases. Oxylabs has one of the largest proxy pools in the industry with over 100 million residential IPs.

Unlocker Tool Free ISP Residential Datacenter Mobile

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omegaproxy: premier residential proxy service with 62m+ ips across 190 countries, featuring omegaproxy extension supporting proxy switchyomega. caters to diverse proxy needs with professional solutions.
Residential Free ISP List Tool

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360proxy has high-quality global residential proxy ip resources, which are more concealed, safer, and faster.
ISP Residential

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Proxy-Cheap is a leading provider of high-quality proxy services, offering a diverse range of proxy solutions to cater to various needs. Whether you require residential, datacenter, mobile, or ISP proxies, Proxy-Cheap has you covered with its extensive pool of IP addresses and advanced features.

With its extensive pool of IP addresses, advanced targeting options, and robust features, Proxy-Cheap empowers users to bypass geo-restrictions, scrape data, test mobile apps, and perform various online tasks with ease and reliability. 

Tool Residential Datacenter ISP Mobile

Common Topics (171)


pyproxy provides ip proxy services with reasonable price and high quality, including static ip proxy, dynamic ip proxy, static isp proxy,  http proxy, socks5 proxy and other ip proxy services for large-scale data collection and network capture!
Tool List Residential Datacenter ISP



Bright Data, formerly known as Luminati Networks, is the world's largest residential proxy network. It provides companies the ability to emulate real users in any country, city, or carrier (ASN) worldwide. Bright Data offers various proxy types, including datacenter, static residential, residential, and mobile IPs, which are used for ad verification, price comparison, security, website testing, and other online activities requiring transparency and net neutrality.

All Bright Data's IP sources are obtained through transparent, opt-in methods. Users who provide residential or mobile IPs are informed about the potential use of their network resources in exchange for various benefits, ensuring fully informed and voluntary participation.

Bright Data has an SDK (software development kit) implemented into applications. When users download a Bright Data partner's application, they can choose to become a peer in Bright Data's network instead of seeing ads. Users opt-in to be part of the network and may opt-out at any time.

For every user that opts-in, Bright Data pays a monthly fee to the application vendor, who passes that value on to the user by not displaying ads. This provides monetization for the app owner while offering users a better experience.

The Bright Data extension is the simplest way to integrate Bright Data into your Chrome browser. It is an overlay network that uses its own servers and works as a proxy for all internet traffic from your browser. The extension enables you to send concurrent URL requests through millions of residential IPs directly from Chrome. To use the extension, you must have a Bright Data account.

Bright Data offers several proxy tools, including:

  1. Proxy Manager: An advanced open-source tool that improves data collection by routing requests using the most affordable alternatives, reducing bandwidth usage.
  2. Data Collector: Automated collectors where you only need to enter a definite URL, keyword, or data item to retrieve all related data.
  3. Datasets: Pre-collected datasets relating to over ten million points on websites, ideal for identifying trends, social media influences, and obtaining data for machine learning.
  4. Web Unlocker: A tool that can easily bypass website blockages and help retrieve public web data.

More information on configuring Bright Data with proxy tools can be found on the Bright Data website, specifically in their documentation and support sections. Additionally, their customer support team can provide guidance and assist with setup and troubleshooting issues.

Bright Data reviews

  • Reliable and accurate web data collection at scale
  • High success rates and data quality
  • Flexible pricing options based on usage
  • Exceptional customer support and responsiveness
  • Ethical data harvesting practices and legal compliance
  • Versatile platform catering to various industries and applications
  • Complex setup and implementation requiring thorough understanding
  • High-tier pricing that may be expensive for some users
  • Limited documentation for certain features
  • Occasional issues with specific tools like Web Unlocker
  • Absence of SOCKS5 mobile proxy and some blocked domains
( None Rating )

